Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Episode 100. Bernard Sheridan talks about his journey into the golf industry to the present.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Jim Furyk and Jason Day Swing Dynamics
Both of these players have different swing styles but they do have several dynamics in common.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Jaacob Bowden Interview 99 Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan
Episode 99 Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan
Build speed with this weeks guest Jaacob Bowden of Swingman Golf.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 98 Liam Warburton Interview
Get your mental game on track with this weeks guest Liam Warburton. #breakingpar
Monday, December 14, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 98 Liam Warburton
Liam Warburton is the author of Think Well Play Great. A comprehensive book on the mental game and how you can tap into your inner game. From the U.K. Liam carries on his program at Complete Player Golf Academy. Here is our 98th episode featuring Liam. Please share this show on social media if you enjoy it.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Lower your Handicap Now!
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Monday, December 7, 2015
Monday, November 30, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 96 Cheryl Anderson
Cheryl Anderson of Mike Bender Golf Academy joins us on episode 96 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Cheryl spend much of her time with Juniors and lets us know how to get today's golfing youth more involved in the game.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 95 Tony Westwood Interview
Tony Westwood of the UK joins us on breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan episode 95. We talk about the mental game and how you can take advantage using it to shoot better scores.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
Kelly Blake Moran Episode 94
Golf course architect Kelly Blake Moran joins us for episode 94 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Get an inside look at how a architect thinks and plans a golf course to trip you up or give you a break.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Breaking Par 93 Trent Wearner Interview
Trent Wearner the author of Golf Scrimmages joins us on episode 93 of breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. This is a great way to track stats and get competitive with your friend online in your game.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 92 Rob Noel Interview
Top 100 teacher Rob Noel joins us to help you add speed to your game. Rob is based out of Money Hill in Louisiana and is helping players hit it farther. Listen to this weeks episode to gain those extra yards you need.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 91 EA Tischler
EA Tischler is one of the founders of Bio Dynamics. A way to measure a golfers grip, swing plane, stance and more. This allows the instructor to gather more information about the players swing and then work within those parameters.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 90 Cindy Miller
Cindy Miller gives us lessons in life and golf on this weeks episode 90 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 89 Sam Froggatte Interview
The founder of Eyeline Golf joins us for episode 89 of Breaking par with Bernard Sheridan. Sam started out trying to come up with some gadgets to help his kids play better golf. Next thing he knew it turned into a golf training aid company and the rest is history.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 88 Brandon Stooksbury
Brandon Stooksbury Author of The Wedge Book joins us for episode 88 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Share this on social media and help Breaking Par grow the game.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 87 Brandi Jackson Interview
Brandi Jackson has played on the LPGA Tour and is now a consultent in recruting junior players in the college process. Along with helping young players make the step the the next level in their game to reach the tour level.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 86 James Leitz Interview
James Leitz Top 100 instructor and D-Plane expert joins us on episode 86 of breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. James has a wealth of knowledge that will help players of every level and he is here to help you take control of your game.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan 85 Bill Schmedes Interview
Bill Schmedes joins us for episode 85 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan.
Bill is the director of instruction at Fiddlers Elbow and has worked with several top Junior players helping them reach the the PGA and LPGA Tour.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
Wayne Watts Interview 84
Impact Zone and Golfing Machine instructor Wayne Watts joins us from The Traces Golf Club. Here is a great interview that will help you take control of your game and better understand the dynamics that must happen in your swing.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Brad Pluth Interview 83
Brad Pluth joins us from Minnesota for Episode 83 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Brad let's us in on his take on instruction and technology.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Preston Combs 82 Breaking Par
Preston Combs of Metedeconk National Golf Club joins us for Episode 82 of breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Preston is Aimpoint and 5 Simple Keys certified instructor.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Kevin Smeltz Interview 81
Kevin Smeltz Director of Instruction now at Bishops Gate Golf Academy joins us today to talk about how top players get distance. If you want to know when to pour on the power than you don't want to miss this episode. Subscribe and never miss an episode again. Spread the word and help us grow the game together.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Ian Highfield Interview 80
Ian Highfield from Bishops Gate joins us for episode 80 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. We discuss the mental game and a great new program that Ian is using to help his students.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Bernie Najar Interview 79
Bernie Najar Top 100 instructor joins us for episode 79. We talk ground force , technology and simulating pressure in practice sessions and during lessons.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Do Little Things Matter to Play Your Best?
Do the Little Things Matter to Play Your Best?

Monday, July 27, 2015
Chuck Evans Interview 78
This weeks our guest is Top 100 instructor Chuck Evans. Chuck has been in the biz since 1970 and has some great info to share with our listeners. Co creator of 5 simple keys and instructor to players on every tour.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Craig Foster Interview Episode 77
Craig Foster "aka Dr. DynAlign" joins us to take about his system to help you with alignment in putting and short game. Greg has several videos on the site Secrets in the Dirt. This is a very interesting topic that will help you shoot lower scores.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Ken Pierce Episode 76
Ken Pierce of Golf Gym joins us for episode 76 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. His product is a great way for you to stay in shape and get more out of your game.
Monday, July 6, 2015
John Dunigan Episdoe 75
John let's us in on coaching a PGA Tour Player and how he helped him get back on tour. This is a great interview that you want to make sure you listen to in it's entirety. Great insight to learn for players and instructors alike.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Kate Tempesta Interview 74
Episode 74 is our interview with Kate Tempesta top 50 young instructor voted by Golf Digest. Kate is located in New York City and bring a fresh new approach to teaching the game to juniors age 3-15 years. This is a great episode to listen to if you have a junior golfer and are looking for programs. Try to find an instructor in your area who uses much of the technics that Kate has formed in her outstanding junior golf programs. For all the junior instructors who listen to this podcast take notes. This is a great way to think outside the box to better your present program.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Brian Crowell Interview 73
Brian Crowell of Golf Channel Academy Live joins us for this weeks Episode 73 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Brian talks about how to stop off line shots and how you can hit more fairways and greens.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Monday, June 15, 2015
Dom DiJulia Interview 72
Dom iJulia joins us on this weeks episode 72 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Dom is a Top 100 instructor and has so much information to share with you on how to take control of your game. Dom has more certifications then almost any other instructor and is here to share that knowledge.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Episode 71 Ed Bowe Interview
Ed Bowe joins us for episode 71 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan.Ed Bowe is a Hank Haney level 4 instructor. We talk about how he uses a new program The Secret of Champions to help his student reach their highest potential. This insight is great information for you to take control of your game.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Monday, June 1, 2015
Elizabeth Granahan Interview Episode 70
This week our guest is Elizabeth granahan from the G2 golf group of Chester Valley Country Club. Elizabeth is the only women in the history of the Philadelphia PGA Section to be Teacher of the Year. We discuss what she does to help her players and how it can help your game.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Michael Michaelides Interview 69
Episode 69 interview with Michael Michaelides. LIU Men's Golf Coach. 2008 Big Break X. Michael gives his insight into coaching and technology on the world of golf.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Dennis Sales Interview 68
Dennis Sales joins us on Episode 68 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. Dennis works with high profile junior players in Texas and has his academy located in Sinclair Golf Center. We take tech instruction and more.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Kalliope Barlis Interview 67
Kalliope Barlis is the author to Play Golf Better Faster. She is our guest here on Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Episode 67. Kaliope has played as a professinal and now works with players on the mental side of the game. Take control of your game with this interview that you won't want to miss.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Megan Padua Interview 66
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Episode 66
Interview with Megan Padua. Megan brings passion to everything she does in the world of golf. She is young and eager to learn more and share that knowledge with others to help grow the game. Megan Travels the U.S. during the winter months giving Aimpoint clinics and spreading the word about how much golf can enrich lives. In the summer she makes her home in New York and she is also very active on social media working hard to grow the game.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Hit it Longer
Bernard Sheridan looks at the swing of two power hitter and how they
crush the ball. Want to add distance to your drives? This is the video
for you. Find out how these monsters hitters create power and ground
Monday, April 27, 2015
James Sieckmann Interview 64
Sieckmann short game guru to more than eighty Tour pros on both the PGA
and LPGA joins us to talk about his new book. Your Short Game Solution.
James sutided first hand the short game of players like Seve
Ballesteros , Raymond Floyd and Cory Pavin. The benefits of a good short
game are undisputed. Unfortunately, players at all levels fail to
develop effective short-game skills because instructors teach the exact
opposite of the correct technique. He found out why they were masters on
shots inside of 120 yards. He tells us his story and how he became
connected with these great players.He will fill us in on an
easy-to-learn and easy-to-use system, Your Short Game Solution will be
the go-to guide anywhere golf is played. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE
- Standard YouTube License
Sunday, April 26, 2015
James Sieckmann Interview 64
James Sieckmann short game guru to more than eighty Tour pros on boith the PGA and LPGA joins us to talk about his new book. Your Short Game Solution. James sutided first hand the short game of players like Seve Ballesteros , Raymond Floyd and Cory Pavin. He found out why they were masters on shots insind of 120 yards. He tells us his story and how he became connected with these great players. His book shows you how to use these technics in your game. he will fill us in on these same examples in our 64th episode of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan.
To purchase this incredible book go to - Your Short Game Solution
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Monday, April 20, 2015
Mike Dynda Interview 64
This weeks guest is Mike Dynda. Mike is the mens Golf Coach of Drexel University in Philadelphia Pa. Mike is also an aimpoint certified instructor. In this episode we talk about some of the things that high school students need to think about when looking for a scholarship in golf along with golf instruction topics od putting and more.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Mark Berry Interview 63
The Founder of Game in Glove joins us for this interview. Mark Berry is an amateur golfer who came up with a incredible training aid to help players of all levels get on path to a better swing. Mark is from the U.K. and now lives in the States. We talk about how he came up with the idea of Game in Glove and how it works.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Ralph Landrum Interview 62
Episode 62 of Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan
Our guest is Ralph Landrum 2014 PGA Player Development Award Winner. Ralph is a Master PGA Pro who has played on tour and works hard to grow the game of golf. He works with players of all levels and imparts his wisdom of years of teaching knowledge to our listeners in this episode.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Dr. Sasho MacKenzie Interview 61
This week our guest is Dr. Sasho Mackenzie from St. Francis Xavier University. He is an expert in biomechanics and the golf swing and has work with Tiger's Woods present instructor Chris Como discussing the swing and how it functions with biomechanics. This is a extra long episode that covers ground force in the golf swing.
Monday, March 23, 2015
David MacKenzie Interview 60
The first show of Spring here at Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan. It may not feel like Spring where you are but our guest David MacKenzie of Golf State of Mind will warm up your game with his approach to the mental side of the game along with great tips to take your game to the next level.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Brian Jacobs Interview Episode 59
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan webpage
Brian Jacobs is our guest on this weeks episode 59 of Breaking Par. Brian has trained with John Jacobs golf schools and is a certified Hank Haney instructor along with 4 elements putting and more. Brian is a great guy who gives great content in this interview to help you take control of your game.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Dustin Johnson Wins at Doral
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Lisa Longball Vlooswyk Interview Breaking Par
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Episode 58 Interview with 7 time Women's Canadian Long Drive Champion Lisa Longball Vlooywsk. Lisa let's us know how to crush the ball and stay in control. This was a great episode you don't want to miss.
Lisa Longball Interview Episode 58 Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan
This weekes episode is with Lisa Longball Vlooswyk. Lisa is the 2009 Remax Womens Long Drive Champion and holds the record for the longest drive in Canada by a women at over 350 yards. Lisa let's us know how to crush our drives and still keep it in the fairway.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015
Matt Kluck Interview Episode 57
This weeks our guest is Master teaching professional Matt Kluck. Matt has taught over 1100 PGA professionals in several PGA sections throughout the country and has given over 35,000 lessons.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Breaking Par Episode 56 David Leadbetter Interview
Breaking Par with bernard Sheridan Episode 56
Our guest is the world renound golf instructor David Leadbetter. David has worked with several of the best players in the world and is one of the first golf instructors to raise the bar in golf instruction and coaching. David talks about his newest student and world number one Lydia Ko. Lydia is the youngest to ever gain world number one status or any tour. We touch base on Lydia 's play and what she is working on. Talk about David's new book The A Swing and his insight into the game.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Breaking Par Episode 55 jason Helman
Bernard Sheridan interviews Jason Helman 2010 Canadian Teacher of the year and founder of Short game combine app Red Zone. Jason talks about how improtant short game is to play your best and other topics in golf instruction.
Breaking Par Episode 55 Jason Helman
Jason helman is the Founder os The Red Zone Combine app and 2010 Canadian PGA teacher of the year. Bernard Sheridan talks with Jason about his app and how it can help players fine tune their short game.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Breaking Par with Bernard Sheridan Episode 54
In this extra long episode we talk with putting guru Geoff Mangum the founder of The Putting Zone. Geoff is one of the most brillant minds in putting. he has worked with players on the LPGA, PGA, Tours. Has certififed several Golf instruction professinals around the globe in the Putting Zone methods.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015
Breaking Par Episode 53 Bob Duncan
Episode 53 is our interview with Bob Duncan PGA teaching pro. Founder of Golfer Postioning System teaching program. Bob believes that the best way to practice is the way you play. Golf is played off of uneven lies on the course. The GPS system uses this to transfer practice to play.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Breaking Par Episode 52
Welcome to our 52nd Episode of Breaking Par. This marks one year since the show has begun. Our guest is Brian Manzella whom has worked with David Toms and is on a quest to find out more about the swing. He talks about Tiger and his new coach Chris Como and more. This is an extended episode so you might want to listen to it in two sittings.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
Breaking Par Episode 49
Bernard Sheridan talks with Dr. Robert J. Neal. of Golf Bio-Dynamics. A leader in 3D technology out of the Jim McLean Golf Academy in Miami Florida. Dr. Neal has been at it since 1982 and give us tons of great info into the world of bio dynamics and how it can be used in golf instruction to help your game.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Breaking Par Episode 49
Alison is an LPGA Tour professinal and Instructor out of the Los Angles area. She has played in several tour events and in this interview let's us know how she prepares for those events and her insight into golf instruction.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Breaking Par Episode 48
Ted Purdy has made his way back onto the PGA Tour for the 2015 season. In this interview Ted talks about his invention The Purdy Grip and how it helped him find his swing again and perfect his grip to the point where he has found himself back on tour. This is by far one of the most informative interviews here on Breaking Par and an episode you do not want to miss!