The best way to play better golf is to learn as much as you can about the game that you love. I have added yet another way for you to "Take Control of Your Game!" with the addition of my weekly podcast. This podcast is easy to download to any mobile device and listen to on the go. Like on you morning or afternoon commute in your car or during your lunch break or after that nine hole league you play very Thursday night. It will be filled with great ways to play better and get the most out of your next round or practice session. Best of all it will cover the topics that you want to hear about. Like Pre Shot routine, hitting more greens , adding power to your drives and more. We will also be covering topics that you suggest and answering your questions on the game. If you have a question or topic you want to hear covered on our next podcast email us at parbreakers@gmail.com. We will do our best to cover each and every topic that you want to hear about. Click here to hear our premier episode covering Pre Shot Routine. Looking forward to reading your questions and helping you get the most out of your game. Share this with a friend so we can grow the game and make it better for all of us!