Monday, June 3, 2013

Bounce You Way to a Better Wedge Game!

By Bernard Sheridan
One of the best things you can do for your short game is to learn more about bounce.
Bounce is the depth of the trailing edge of the sole of your wedge. If the bounce is high( represented by a number- higher 12- lower - 8) the leading edge of the club will sit off of the ground at address if you set the club up on the bounce. This high number is the club to hit when you are in soft sand or a fluffy lie in deep rough. The lower the bounce the better it is off of tight lies and firm conditions in the bunker.
Let's say you hit your approach shot into the bunker on a rainy day. When you get in you can feel the sand under your feet is wet and firm. This is when you pull out your wedge with a bounce of 8. Now the leading edge can dig in shallow and pick the sand and the ball out. The reverse would be true if you where in a bunker with soft sand and lots of it. If your feet were to dig down deep you would use more bounce like a 10 or 12. This would take more sand and make the shot easier to get up and out landing softly. You should have at least two different types of wedges in your bag to vary the bounce on different lies that you might face during your round. So stop by your local ProShop and check out some different wedges. Hit a few of each bounce and see how it will help your game.

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