Bernard Sheridan of Par Breakers Golf Academy bring a new interactive golf instruction show to the web on Sundays at 6:00pm EST on http://www.ustream.tv/channel/par-breakers-golf-academy-live . Each week covers a new topic in golf instruction. Viewers are able to join a chat group and ask Bernard questions about their game live Sunday nights. This is one of the first golf shows of it's kind and Bernard is on the cutting edge of Golf Instruction. Certified Impact Zone instructor and Top 50 US Kids Honorable mention 2009-2010. Bernard has a knack for explaining every part of the game in easy to understand terms. All golfer's will benifit from viewing this show. Along with live weekly broadcasts viewers can gor to the the link above and view past shows anytime. Bernard is encourging viewers to email him at parbreakerslive@gmail.com with topics they would like to see covered in upcoming shows.
1 comment:
It isimportant to find the best hand position and the handle that fits the player. The right to bear only the experience and is important for that person? Hold is consistent. When a good grip is established, you should insist on proper practice. It is important to challenge the practice golf club in the same way every time.
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