Par Breakers is pleased to inform you that we are now offering video swing analysis to you online. That's right you can have your golf swing analyzed and watch it on your own computer in the comfort of your own home. There are many of the top name golf instructors who offer this service but the cost is very high. Here at Par Breakers we break the cost barrier so the working player can get the best instruction for their game at a price they can afford. here's how it works. You tape your swing from down the line. Just like the photo to the right. Then you put that video onto your computer. it will now be a wav.file.Next you go to our web page http://www.parbreakers.com/vidonline.htm . You then purchase your video swing analysis package. You then email us that video as a attachment. Par Breakers then take that video and creates a video swing analysis with voice over and emails it back to you. You then open the video and watch it when ever you like. Burn it to a dvd and watch it on your T.V. in the comfort of your home. That's it. It's that easy. For more information on how you can get your personal online video swing analysis contact Par Breakers golf academy via email at info@parbreakers.com or cal us at 610-666-9000. par breakers is here to break the high cost of golf instruction so you can play the best golf of your life!
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