Right now the hottest swing on the PGA Tour is that of Anthony Kim.
You can watch his swing through a link on our web site on our video tips page. Just to prove how great this swing is Anthony is on the cover of both Golf Digest and Golf Magi zine for the month of December 2008. You can see a break down of his swing and read some of his insight on his swing in both of those issues. What Par breakers likes the most about Anthony's swing is that we have been teaching the same swing for years. Compact and core driven. You will see more players in the future with the same swing. It takes most of the mishits out of the shot and when you do miss it is only a few paces into the ruff. If you want to learn more about Anthony's swing or are interested in learning the top swing on tour stop by Par Breakers and let us show you how core swings will help you play the best golf of your life!
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