Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Shocking Truth about Golf Tips

There are some many golfer's out there on the range and local courses who have a tips for you to get better. The main reason why we even bother to listen is because we so desperately want to improve our game. The biggest problem is that we can't be sure if the tip will be right for us. many time we try the tip and it ends up causing more harm than good. The truth is that many tips might help but most of the time they are not for us. The reason is we are all different and that means one swing does not fit all. There are so many different types of swings and tips how do we know which one is right for us? The truth is we don't know and the only way we can find out is to go to a good instructor and have them help us with our swing. Break it down and understand what we need to do to get on plane so to speak. The best way to find one is to keep an eye out for good players. When you go to the range and see a player who has a swing that looks solid ask them who they are working with. Also take a look at players on tour who have you same general build. Look at how they swing and try to imitate them. Hop on the web and do a search for instructors in your area and do some research on them. Stop by and see if you can watch them teach other students. Talk to them and see if you get along with them. It's important that they have solid values and a good working knowledge of different types of swings. If you think they are a good fit for you than set up a one hour lesson and give them a chance to look at your swing. If you get that warm and fuzzy feeling then they might be the right instructor for you. Ask questions and make sure you get logical answers that are easy to understand. After all you will be working with them for at a minimum four to six weeks before you start to see a solid improvement. If you see it sooner then you know you made the right choice. Remember a tip of fix is just that. It might work and it might not but either way it won't last. Solid instruction and fundamentals are what build a solid swing that will last a lifetime.  

For more help on your swing contact us at

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